Basic Uniform Commercial Code Book List

In case you were looking for that perfect gift for a third-year law student who is taking Basic Uniform Commercial Code with me in the spring, here is the book list for that course (with a little help from Amazon, of course):

Casebook: Lopucki, Warren, Keating, and Mann, Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach, (4th 2009)

Statutory Supplement: Mann, Warren, and Westbrook, 2011 Comprehensive Commercial Law: Statutory Supplement, (2011)

Strongly Recommended Supplement: White & Summers, Uniform Commercial Code, (6th 2010) (this is the hornbook version of the practitioner’s treatise by the same name, it is a classic–I actually kept my law school copy on my desk for several years in practice)

Also, remember that students can sign up for free two-day shipping for six months with Amazon Student.

I will post the reading list for Business Planning soon.